In my previous two articles, I discussed depression and the different types of depression. I also shared a few causes and treatments that would get rid of various mental disorders. The link to the articles is shown below. 



However, in this article, we are going to share the magical practice that not only helps to reduce depression but also eliminates it from the life of a person. 

The name of this self-treatment is ‘MEDITATION‘. It is a practice that helps you to focus and redirect your thoughts. It is also supportive of achieving self-awareness, inner peace, and calmness. It has been popular since ancient times, especially in India. Even our saints and holy books, such as ‘The Vedas’ ‘Bhagwat Geeta’ and ‘Ramayana’ discuss the power of ‘Meditation’ and how it leads a human towards enlightenment and liberation from a vicious cycle. It is also a form of worship and devotion to God in many religions, such as Jainism, Islam, and Sikhism. 

Meditation is a powerful practice that can benefit our physical and mental well-being. However, many people today are unaware of its potential because they are too busy with work and daily responsibilities. They neglect their health and happiness and forget to heal themselves. 

Furthermore, there is a common misconception about what meditation entails. Some people assume that meditation is a religious or ancient ritual that requires sitting still for hours with closed eyes. They also believe that meditation isolates them from their social life and the world around them. These false notions prevent them from experiencing the benefits of meditation. 

What is Meditation? and why is it important? 

Meditation is a technique to channel thoughts and achieve a state of awareness and calmness. It is an ancient practice that has a positive effect on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By practicing meditation regularly, a person can become the master of his or her mind and overcome negative thinking and emotions. Meditation can also help a person cultivate a positive outlook on life and enjoy its beauty and meaning. 

Before exploring the ways of self-realization, it is mandatory to discuss the birth of depression. It means that we must know the root cause of depression before curing it.  

The sequence of beginning the depression is discussed below: 

1. Thought: A simple thought of worry may lead a man towards depression. (For example, if someone has lost his near one and one creates the thought that now, there is nothing for him to live on this earth). 

2. Feeling: After taking this thought, he starts feeling sad and lonely. (For instance, he does not talk to anyone or stops sharing his feelings.) 

3. Habit: He develops a habit of getting irritated easily by others. He develops low self-esteem and irritating behavior. For example, he does not like the loud noise of the children. Sometimes, he does not pay attention to his life partner. 

4. Mindset: When people neglect their habits for a long time, they can develop a depressive mindset known as depression. 

Meditation can help us cope with mental illness by offering various benefits for our mental health. Some of these benefits are: 

1. It reduces stress and anxiety by calming our nervous system. When we meditate, we slow down our breathing and heart rate, which lowers our blood pressure and relaxes our muscles. It helps us to cope with stressful situations and emotions more effectively. According to a 2017 U.S. survey, 92% of people practice meditation to reduce their stress levels. 

2. Meditation improves our creativity and problem-solving skills by activating our brain cells. When we meditate, we stimulate the regions of the brain that are responsible for imagination, insight, and innovation. It helps us generate new ideas and solutions for various challenges and tasks. 

3. It develops our compassion and gratitude by changing our perspective. When we meditate, we cultivate a sense of awareness and appreciation for ourselves and others. 

4. It enhances our self-esteem by reducing stress. When we meditate, we reduce the negative thoughts and emotions that can undermine our confidence and self-worth. It helps us feel more comfortable and embrace our strengths and weaknesses. 

Some practical and scientific ways of doing meditation are discussed below: 

1. Give positive vibes to drinking water: Water Crystals Water is vital for mental health because it helps our brain function properly. It also influences our emotions. Water has crystals that can be charged or discharged by the person’s feelings.  

According to research, water crystals can be changed by the thoughts and words of the person. In the lab, water exposed to positive thoughts and words formed beautiful crystals, while water exposed to negative thoughts and words formed ugly crystals.  

Therefore, if a person repeats a positive affirmation, such as “I am a calm and peaceful person” while drinking water, it can start giving a soothing effect to the mind. The person can start feeling peace inside and relax the brain tissues. 

2. Positive Affirmations: One way to overcome negative thoughts is to use positive affirmations. These statements affirm your self-worth and optimism, such as “I am capable of achieving my goals” or “I am grateful for the opportunities in my life”. You can learn positive affirmations from guided meditation, which is a practice of focusing your attention on your breathing and repeating phrases that calm and inspire you. Practicing positive affirmations can help you cope with depression and improve your mood. Many people notice positive changes in their mental health within a month of doing this. 

3. Observing thoughts: Another way to relax your mind and deal with negative thoughts is to observe them without judgment. You can do this by setting a timer for one minute every hour and paying attention to your thinking. It can help you identify the source of your problems and find solutions more easily. Observing your thoughts can also help you detach from them and realize that they are not facts, but just passing mental events. 

4. Talking with Almighty: The third way to improve your mental and spiritual health is to talk with God. It can be done through meditation or prayer, which are both ways of communicating with the divine and expressing your gratitude, hopes, and fears. Talking with God can help you overcome your doubts and worries and feel more connected to a higher power. However, some people who are depressed may find it hard to have faith in God or feel his presence. If you are one of them, you can try sitting in a quiet place and listening to your inner voice, which may be a way of hearing God’s guidance. Both enable us to overcome our fears, doubts, and negative thoughts. However, those who are already depressed find it difficult to have faith in God. If any person forcibly sits in a quiet place and listens to his inner voice, he will surely get the results. 

5. Creating a loving and kind environment: A fourth way to help yourself or someone else is to create a loving and kind environment at home. It means that everyone in the family should avoid negative or stressful topics and instead focus on positive and supportive ones. You can also show your love and care by doing small acts of kindness, such as giving compliments, hugs, or gifts. Creating a loving and kind environment can make the depressed person feel more valued and less alone. 

6. Chanting the hymn: A fifth way to uplift your mood and create a peaceful atmosphere at home is to chant the hymn or mantra. A hymn is a sacred song that praises God or expresses a spiritual message. A mantra is a word or phrase that has a positive meaning or power, such as “Om” or “Ram”. You can chant the hymn or mantra aloud or silently, alone or with others. Chanting the hymn or mantra can help to calm your mind, clear your energy, and connect with the divine. 

Depression can be the worst condition, but it does not have the power to limit you. These above ways, especially water words and having faith in God, will surely help to overcome mental problems. However, these methods are not a substitute for professional help. If anyone has severe depression, one must seek a specialist only. Along with medication and doctor’s advice, one can use these remedies for rapid recovery. They can enhance the effects of professional treatment. Anyone can choose one or more methods and practice them every day. You will be astonished by its consequences.